Message from the HOD
Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University is a pioneer institution in the country for promoting research and academic courses in plant science to produce high level human resource. The post graduate teaching in botany in Nepal started from 1965 at Tri-Chandra College and then moved to Kirtipur in November 1967 (Mangsir 13, 2024 B.S.), it is upgraded as Central Department in 1987 to strengthen research in plant science. Annually, the Department graduates about 35 post graduate plant scientists with specialization in Plant Systematics and Biodiversity, Ecology and Resource Management, Plant Pathology and Applied Mycology and Plant Biotechnology.
Aiming to understand biodiversity conservation and development theory, to develop an advanced knowledge on biodiversity, development policy and management of biological resources, the Central Department of Botany (CDB) has started a Master Level program on Biodiversity and Environmental Management (BEM) since 2008. In addition, the department runs a very successful Ph.D. program from where 43 scholars have been already awarded and more than 20 scholars are presently involved in Ph.D. research. The department also has a research based culture with several collaborating research projects funded by national and international organization. Almost all faculties’ members have their Ph.D. degree.
The department annually publishesa journal of plant science (Botanica Orientalis) and a newsletter (Vanaspati) in addition to occasional research books to disseminate research findings and its academic activities. The department also organizes national and international conferences, seminars and workshops and colleagues regularly publish research papers in different reputed peer reviewed journals. Students are supporting the Department for the betterment of the academic environment through Botanical Students Association (BOSS). The main challenges of the Department is space constraints due to heavy damage and destroyed of main building by the earthquake of 2015, however, a limited new infrastructure has been created and a two stores new building is planned. Tribhuvan University has approved the plan of new building and hope the Department will be recovered space problem soon.
We admire the contribution of our former and present faculties, TU authorities, collaborating partners, non-teaching staffs and students to establish a lead Department in Tribhuvan University. We look forward for their continuous cooperation and collaboration for making this department as a center for academic excellence. I express my sincere thanks to all colleagues, especially to Prof. Dr. Mohan Siwakoti, Prof. Dr. Bijaya Pant and Dr. Suresh Kumar Ghimire for their continuous contribution for compiling and editing the Prospectus.
Prof. Dr. Sangeeta Rajbhandary
Head of Department
Central Department of Botany