Our Faculty Members

Dr. Achyut Tiwari
Education : Ph.D.
Designation : Lecturer
University : University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Field of Study : Plant Ecology
Dr. Achyut Tiwari: Lecturer Dr. Achyut Tiwari holds M.Sc. degree in Botany (2003) from Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University Nepal and PhD in Plant Ecology (specialization: Growth-climate relationship and treeline dynamics in Himalaya and Hengduan Mountains China) from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden) in 2016. Dr. Tiwari is a trained Dendroecologist focusing his research on range shifting of plants and growth-climate relationship of mountain forests including functional traits influenced by climate. He has been recently involved in research projects on high altitude plants and growth performance of Pine species (Pinus roxburghii, Pinus wallichiana) from mid hills of central Nepal to evaluate the forest health and trend of aboveground biomass production in context of changing climate. He has published over twenty research papers in national and international journals. Email: achyut.tiwari@cdb.tu.edu.np / achyutone@gmail.com