Our Faculty Members

Dr. Bharat Babu Shrestha
Education : Ph.D
Designation : Professor
University : Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Field of Study : Ecology
Email : bb.shrestha@cdbtu.edu.np
Dr. Bharat Babu Shrestha: Reader. Dr. Shrestha obtained his M.Sc degree in Botany from Tribhuvan University in 1999 and Ph.D. degree in Ecology from the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2010. His major fields of research interests are biological invasion, forest ecology, and plant adaptation along environmental gradients (plant ecophysiology). Dr. Shrestha has successfully completed 12 research projects funded by national and international organizations. Currently, he has been involved in researches on biological invasion funded by International Foundation for Science (Sweden), USAID IPM Innovation Lab (USA), and Darwin Initiative (UK). He has supervised 30 and co-supervised 15 M.Sc. theses of botany and environmental science. Currently, six M.Sc. and one PhD student are working with Dr. Shrestha for their thesis/dissertations. He has published nearly 50 research and review papers, and co-edited three conference proceedings. Email: shresthabb@gmail.com.