Our Faculty Members

Dr. Anjana Devkota
Education : Ph.D
Designation : Reader
University : Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Field of Study : Ecology
Email : a.devkota@cdbtu.edu.np
Dr. Anjana Devkota: Reader. Dr. Devkota obtained her M.Sc. degree in Botany from Tribhuvan University in 1998, and completed her Ph.D. in Ecology at the Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal in 2011. Her major fields of interest are plant eco-physiology, vegetation analysis, conservation biology (medicinal plants) and plant ecology. She ( 13 ) has been involved in several research projects funded by national and international organizations. Dr. Devkota has supervised two dozen M.Sc. theses and currently supervising two Ph.D. and three M.Sc. students and published over 40 papers in national and international journals/publications. Email: devkotaa@gmail.com