Our Faculty Members

Dr. Krishna Pant
Education : Ph.D
Designation : Reader
University : Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Field of Study : Botany
Email : k.pant@cdbtu.edu.np
Dr. Krishna Pant: Reader. He obtained M.Sc and PhD degrees in Botany in the years 1996 and 2011 respectively from Tribhuvan University. His major fields of interest are in vitro conservation of plants, phytochemistry, plant biotechnology and studies on neglected edible and medicinal plants of Nepal. He has supervised five M. Sc. Agriculture theses as a major supervisor and six as a member of the advisory committee. He has evaluated and monitored different research projects as a Deputy Director of the Directorate of Research/ IAAS, TU for two years. He has published five research articles in different national and international journals. Email: krishna.k.pant@gmail.com